
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Carers work

WALT:Learn facts about our carers and do a google slide and then put it into a book or poster.Also we have made something to show our learning.
reflection I enjoyed  using  NEW ZEALAND CARERS and I found hard to find a job.i dislike thinking to chose the photos.I found interesting founding out some random things ๐Ÿ˜‚I can not wait to start in the army๐Ÿ˜

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Becoming a Google Ninja

Walt to use all our leaning about Google docs work it helped use use our memory Reflection I wouldn't like to do more work like this. It was difficult to figure out  the questions that are asked.I really like using my brain in some parts hopeful next time I will finish.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wellington history

WALT-learn about the history about wellington while using storyboard
reflection i found hard to find good backgrounds i would like to do more work like this

Friday, November 9, 2018

Thank you Capital E

WALT - write thank you letters to everyone who helped us during our Wellington trip this year.


Reflection - I enjoyed working with Isaac to complete this task. It was difficult to do the animations. Isaac did most of the video and I put in all together on the slide. I want to do more work like this. I hope Capital E enjoys this mahi.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

google maps

Walt use google maps to figure out our distance for my class camp

What is the distance from the airport to the Top Ten Holiday Park?
22 km or 26 minutes
What is the best route to the to get from the to      ten to the Adrenalin Forest?
26 km or 23  minutes
How long will it take us to drive from Zealandia to Te Papa?
5 km or 11  minutes
How far is it from Capital E to The Cable Car?
296 m or 5 minutes
How long will it take us to walk from Te Papa up Mt Victoria and back again?
48 minutes or 4 km
reflection i found hard finding out the directions also i found easy was writing the answers,this is helpful when i get to welligton

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

My dream places

TITLE my dream places
WALT I have been learning how to mark places where I would like to go.

reflection i found choosing cool place was difficult.The most coolest part was I got to choose most of my favourite place, other wise it was fun.

Monday, September 3, 2018


Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Title speech
WALT I have been learning how to make a speech

Trust me with our future because you 19th century people have left us young citizens to do your dirty work. I am here to tell you that global warming is a huge issue that is effecting our environment. I am also going to tell you that plastic is rubbish and that we should STOP capturing animals for human entertainment.

One reason to trust me with our future is that I know how we can solve our global warming problem.. Global warming is getting worse! We need 4 gases in our atmosphere which are methane, carbon dioxide and ozone . The past 150 years humans have been burning fossils such as oil and gas. This goes into our atmosphere. The gases create carbon dioxide and this acts like an invisible blanket. Have you ever been in the green house…? I know it is smelly and sticky and burning hot - and that is what your environment will be like in no time. You can help by planting trees and recycling. I hope I have convinced you that global warming is out of control - help me tame the beast!

My second reason that you should trust me with our future is.. I strongly believe plastic is a massive world wide issue which every single person in the world has a responsibility for. Did you know if know if no one stops plastic spreading around the world. families won't know animals because the plastic is killing them because some animals eat the plastic and digest it and die. Have you ever thought about where the plastic goes in the ocean." Plastic is widespread in the open ocean in the three major ocean in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.Thank You for leaving us to do all the dirty work. I am happy for New Zealand because Prime Minister, Jacaranda Ardern, has got so many letters from kids saying speech about how plastic is destroying our environment and Jacaranda Arden is going to banned non degradable plastic Jacaranda Ardern doesn't waste time for her country. Dakota My third reason that you should trust me with our future is all about the cheeky animals. When animals get captured and put into a small enclosures, they start to forget their natural way to life. Hunting and killing their prey is normal for most animals, but in the zoo the zookeepers get their food for them. They do not have freedom like they would in the wild , instead they are forced into tiny cages where they cannot move around a lot. Therefore they start to grow aggression towards humans and have psychological problems. There is a YouTube video showing a kid falling into a silver-back enclosure. While the kid was knocked out the gentle silver-back tried to awhi the little boy. It was taking care of the boy like it was his own. Unfortunately humans killed that silver back because they thought he was hurting the boy. I am disappointed at ugly humans that let the animals stay in cages. This would have never happened in the wild.
Thank You folks for leaving my generation to do your dirty work. sike...Its not as fun as it looks. By the time we wait for these trees grow there will be no one left to enjoy them! So stop polluting, stop burning fossil fules and stop locking up our wild animals  and start taking thinking about our younger generation.

I found writing was well I wont enjoy saying to the class, I want to change a lot in this, I enjoyed writing it

Friday, August 10, 2018

The one and only ice skating

The one and only ice skating 

Walt create a poster to persuade public

the reason I did this is because to lure the public in to come along to ice skating
i enjoyed  steeling nick's poster i found nothing hard because nick did this poster thank you nick for letting me use this poster

Friday, August 3, 2018

The kea

Walt I have learnt  how to draw a kea on google drawing


Kea - presentation

WALT - Screencasify my Google presentation the kea.
Walt I have made a fun kea description


Hi my name is Dakota and I will be telling you about the amazing bird the Kea . This cheeky bird flies around rippin the rubber off cars and causing trouble. The Kea is endangered. I am here to tell you why and what we can do to help it.  

A kea is a species of the parrot family. It is brown and it has a heap of feathers and colorful wings. Finally kea a native to new zealand and lives on trees high in the mountains. Especially around ski fields, that is the prime place to destroy people's cars and steal people's wallets.

Do you want your youngers to know what a kea is? I think so! I suggest you read more so then you will know how to help these beautiful birds. We can put traps out for their predators which are possums, weasels and stoats.  If you see someone attempting to kill a kea tell them not to shoot a kea because its native to New Zealand

Let me tell you a awesome fact about the kea. It is the only alpine parrot. the cheeky kea love annoying you by ripping the rubber off your car. I have seen a  like a video showing the kea stealing a cop car rubber of windows at the ski field. So watch out.

Now you should know how to save a kea and you should know where
There habitat is. I hope you have learnt the ways of a kea
Thank You for reading

Monday, July 23, 2018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

the top Nation rugby team

 i liked how new Zealand was top team and it was strange that Scotland was chosen..
i liked how my class most popular team was hurricanes but i also thought the brumbies   wasn't chosen the was akward
i thought bouden barret would be the most populer.I think if i did this with a diffent class it will be  diffrnt with dan carter at top

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Parrot fish


Hi, my name is Dakota and I will be showing you what a parrot fish is. Where do parrotfish live?, and what they eat? along with some cool facts.

Living in the tropical water

Parrot fish live in the tropical coral reefs.When parrot fish sleep they often make secret sleeping bags around themselves for protection from predators.The queen parrot fish limits its range mainly to the Caribbean. When they travel they usually go alone.

How to survive in the sea

Parrot fish love eating brine and their most favorite treat is shrimp and bloodworms. When they eat coral it takes them 70% of their day to eat it.
Do you know

Parrot fish are cold blooded and when they lay eggs it takes 19 to 20 days to hatch. When parrot fish change colour they also can change gender, and they have a very strong jaw. A different name to the parrot fish is Scaridae.


This was all about parrot fish they are good pets that aren't scary. They have so many cool facts like their strong jaw, how they like shrimps as their treat. I hope you have enjoyed learing about parrot fish.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Today my class choose our favourite animal and deer was the most choseing and chicken was the lest.

Monday, March 26, 2018

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