
Thursday, May 17, 2018

Parrot fish


Hi, my name is Dakota and I will be showing you what a parrot fish is. Where do parrotfish live?, and what they eat? along with some cool facts.

Living in the tropical water

Parrot fish live in the tropical coral reefs.When parrot fish sleep they often make secret sleeping bags around themselves for protection from predators.The queen parrot fish limits its range mainly to the Caribbean. When they travel they usually go alone.

How to survive in the sea

Parrot fish love eating brine and their most favorite treat is shrimp and bloodworms. When they eat coral it takes them 70% of their day to eat it.
Do you know

Parrot fish are cold blooded and when they lay eggs it takes 19 to 20 days to hatch. When parrot fish change colour they also can change gender, and they have a very strong jaw. A different name to the parrot fish is Scaridae.


This was all about parrot fish they are good pets that aren't scary. They have so many cool facts like their strong jaw, how they like shrimps as their treat. I hope you have enjoyed learing about parrot fish.


  1. that a beautiful fish and so is your witting I can lean a lot from you.

  2. good report you need a better intro and and stick to TEXT but over all its a great report

  3. i like your report and the parrot fish im just wondering who gave your the idea to do the parrot fish... it was me but love it.

  4. this report is to make people notice that what we are playing in at the beach is fish poop but this is a good report now that i know what i'm playing in

  5. thats a very pretty fish, I like all you facts in you report i think its great
